Post by Tim StreaterPost by PanchoPost by No mailApologies for politics, but what happened today in the US cannot go
unremarked. Please forward far and wide.
Rescind state visit invitation to President trump
It seems as if the armchair warriors here are desperate to impoverish
the UK. First we have Brexit, then we have sanctions on Russia, pushing
up energy prices and causing massive inflation. Now you want to fuck off
the USA, leaving us isolated in a world that is likely to turn away from
I wouldn't call the inflation we had "massive". And as the Times said today,
quite likely it'll be Starmer that makes brexit "work". And anyway it already
works - we are no longer part of a corrupt and bureaucratic entity pretending
to be a European Government, but which is entirely undemocratic.
If you don't think Westminster is corrupt and bureaucratic too, you
haven't been paying attention. I'm also very dubious about the
democratic process in the UK. In a two party system, you just need to
establish influence/control over two power structures rather than one.
The public then only have the opportunity to vote for one party you
control or the other party which you also control.
Post by Tim StreaterPost by PanchoThe UK needs allies.
Looks like we'll be looking for them closer to home, if EU countries actually
manage to wake up and boost their defence spending.
Defence against which threat? Anyway, defence spending is mainly a red
herring if it gets pissed away on vanity projects, like aircraft
carriers. What the EU (and the World) needs is sensible political
control structures, to enable viable defence/policing operations.
Our main vulnerability is economic not military. It is dangerous to rely
on supply from a region that we have insufficient political influence
upon. On the other hand economies of scale mean the UK is too small to
do everything for itself. So we need to be part of a bigger group, both
economically and politically.
The UK needs some kind of political alliance with the EU and/or USA. The
EU,USA,China are much bigger than the UK, they can do it alone, in a way
we can't.