OT: Cancelled again. Is this 'harrassment'?
(too old to reply)
The Natural Philosopher
2023-11-17 11:07:20 UTC
"I understand that majority of Jews and Christian hate us for being
Muslims and that’s not going to change no matter what.!

You sound like a Jew. No one hates you, in fact no one gives a tuppeny
fuck about you until you come into our countries, carefully built on a
set of social expectations that work OK for us and allowed us to develop
a technological society that you seem to want to enjoy the fruits of,
without understanding that to keep it going requires that you conform to
a different set of cultural mores. And then your stupid middle eastern
PRIDE won’t let you accept that, so you try to turn here into the same
mediaeval shithole that you left because you didn’t like it, and then
you go on hate marches, bomb our buildings, murder our soldiers and
expect us to like you.


Take your fucking barbaric culture back to where it belongs. The West is
not for you until you learn to behave. No one hates you, at worst they
despise you, and at best they feel very very sorry for you, which of
course is, even more shameful for you, so you hate us for feeling sorry
for you and desperately want us to hate you back so you can feel that we
are no better than you.

Sorry chum, it’s not about race,or religion, it’s about culture. In the
west, in terms of how we have learnt to live, we simply are better than
you. We have had 500 years to get it right.

So fuck off to wherever it is that runs society like you want it to be
run, and come back in 500 years when you have learnt some fucking
manners. I can’t fix your insecurity and ego problems or your culture
shock. Despite everything the Left tells you, I am not your problem. And
I refuse to make your problems mine, either.

Plenty of highly educated people from Iran, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, etc
in this country who respect the culture, are admired for their
intelligence and skills, and no one gives a shit what they believe in.
If you are are unable to be one, well tough shit baby. Life is rough,
tough and desperately unjust, in fact life’s a bitch, and then you die.
So get used to it. No almighty Allah is going to short circuit the
damned hard process of learning how to live in a society that is not
founded on Faith, but on science and technology. Praying to your car
three times a day wont fix it when it breaks.

Any damn fool can memorise the Q’ran and wave flags and go on marches.
Why not try memorising the whole pharmacopoeia and become a pharmacist,
or the whole body of case law, and become a lawyer? Or is it so much
easier to lie and cheat and whine and complain and throw bombs and
launch rockets and listen to people telling you how none of it is your
fault, its all them, oppressing you and hating you?

Let me give you one fucking HUGE life lesson. It doesn’t matter whose
fault it is. No one else can fix it for you. It is YOUR problem. Sure
you don’t deserve this shit. No one deserves this shit. Stop seeing
yourself as different, and understand we are ALL IN THE SHIT TOGETHER.
And that is why, in the end Christianity worked better for us than
Islam, because we worked very hard to help each other out of the worst
of the shit, and because we trusted each other and didn’t lie to each
other and didn’t regard the whole world of strangers as enemies, even if
they didn’t quite have our values, we were able to build bigger
societies that worked.

So stop hating us for refusing to get pulled into your shit when we
offered you a helping hand. If you don’t want our help, our science, our
education, our culture, our standard of living because it means giving
up your precious culture, well that’s fine by us too. Fuck off to where
your precious culture is the majority. And accept the consequences.

*Comment deleted 12h ago*
“It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established
authorities are wrong.”

― Voltaire, The Age of Louis XIV
R Souls
2023-11-17 13:49:44 UTC
On Fri, 17 Nov 2023 11:07:20 +0000, The Natural Philosopher
Post by The Natural Philosopher
"I understand that majority of Jews and Christian hate us for being
Muslims and that’s not going to change no matter what.!
You sound like a Jew. No one hates you, in fact no one gives a tuppeny
fuck about you until you come into our countries, carefully built on a
set of social expectations that work OK for us and allowed us to develop
a technological society that you seem to want to enjoy the fruits of,
without understanding that to keep it going requires that you conform to
a different set of cultural mores. And then your stupid middle eastern
PRIDE won’t let you accept that, so you try to turn here into the same
mediaeval shithole that you left because you didn’t like it, and then
you go on hate marches, bomb our buildings, murder our soldiers and
expect us to like you.
Take your fucking barbaric culture back to where it belongs. The West is
not for you until you learn to behave. No one hates you, at worst they
despise you, and at best they feel very very sorry for you, which of
course is, even more shameful for you, so you hate us for feeling sorry
for you and desperately want us to hate you back so you can feel that we
are no better than you.
Sorry chum, it’s not about race,or religion, it’s about culture. In the
west, in terms of how we have learnt to live, we simply are better than
you. We have had 500 years to get it right.
So fuck off to wherever it is that runs society like you want it to be
run, and come back in 500 years when you have learnt some fucking
manners. I can’t fix your insecurity and ego problems or your culture
shock. Despite everything the Left tells you, I am not your problem. And
I refuse to make your problems mine, either.
Plenty of highly educated people from Iran, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, etc
in this country who respect the culture, are admired for their
intelligence and skills, and no one gives a shit what they believe in.
If you are are unable to be one, well tough shit baby. Life is rough,
tough and desperately unjust, in fact life’s a bitch, and then you die.
So get used to it. No almighty Allah is going to short circuit the
damned hard process of learning how to live in a society that is not
founded on Faith, but on science and technology. Praying to your car
three times a day wont fix it when it breaks.
Any damn fool can memorise the Q’ran and wave flags and go on marches.
Why not try memorising the whole pharmacopoeia and become a pharmacist,
or the whole body of case law, and become a lawyer? Or is it so much
easier to lie and cheat and whine and complain and throw bombs and
launch rockets and listen to people telling you how none of it is your
fault, its all them, oppressing you and hating you?
Let me give you one fucking HUGE life lesson. It doesn’t matter whose
fault it is. No one else can fix it for you. It is YOUR problem. Sure
you don’t deserve this shit. No one deserves this shit. Stop seeing
yourself as different, and understand we are ALL IN THE SHIT TOGETHER.
And that is why, in the end Christianity worked better for us than
Islam, because we worked very hard to help each other out of the worst
of the shit, and because we trusted each other and didn’t lie to each
other and didn’t regard the whole world of strangers as enemies, even if
they didn’t quite have our values, we were able to build bigger
societies that worked.
So stop hating us for refusing to get pulled into your shit when we
offered you a helping hand. If you don’t want our help, our science, our
education, our culture, our standard of living because it means giving
up your precious culture, well that’s fine by us too. Fuck off to where
your precious culture is the majority. And accept the consequences.
*Comment deleted 12h ago*
Oh dear Turnip. You seem somewhat agitated.

Have you tried lying down in a darkened room?
Tim Streater
2023-11-17 14:44:38 UTC
Post by R Souls
On Fri, 17 Nov 2023 11:07:20 +0000, The Natural Philosopher
[ Snip stuff that Arsehole apparently cannot]
Post by R Souls
Post by The Natural Philosopher
*Comment deleted 12h ago*
Oh dear Turnip. You seem somewhat agitated.
Have you tried lying down in a darkened room?
Why d'ye ask? Are you volunteering to join him?
"What causes poverty?" Wrong question. Poverty is our primordial state. The real question is, "What causes wealth?"

Hint: it ain't Socialism.
Another Dave
2023-11-18 10:55:18 UTC
Post by The Natural Philosopher
So stop hating us for refusing to get pulled into your shit when we
offered you a helping hand. If you don’t want our help, our science, our
education, our culture, our standard of living because it means giving
up your precious culture, well that’s fine by us too. Fuck off to where
your precious culture is the majority. And accept the consequences.
The Times seems to agree with you. There's a two page spread headlined
"I was brought up a Muslim but I know that civilisation depends on
Christianity." Unfortunately it's behind a pay wall.

Another Dave
Change nospam to techie
The Natural Philosopher
2023-11-18 11:06:08 UTC
Post by Another Dave
Post by The Natural Philosopher
So stop hating us for refusing to get pulled into your shit when we
offered you a helping hand. If you don’t want our help, our science,
our education, our culture, our standard of living because it means
giving up your precious culture, well that’s fine by us too. Fuck off
to where your precious culture is the majority. And accept the
The Times seems to agree with you. There's a two page spread headlined
"I was brought up a Muslim but I know that civilisation depends on
Christianity." Unfortunately it's behind a pay wall.
Another Dave
Indeed. I am Agnostic veering towards Atheism, but i absolutely feel
that the Christian morality set is all that stands between civilisation
and barbarism.

And there has been an absolute attempt to utterly ridicule and destroy
it by the forces of the Left.

And by its new friend, Islam.

Both want to destroy everything so that something better (as they see
it) can be put in its place.

Of course, should that happen, their ideas about 'what is better' would
inevitably collide in further hatred bloodshed conflict and misery....
“Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.”

H.L. Mencken, A Mencken Chrestomathy
Tim Lamb
2023-11-18 11:25:02 UTC
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by Another Dave
Post by The Natural Philosopher
So stop hating us for refusing to get pulled into your shit when we
offered you a helping hand. If you don’t want our help, our
science, our education, our culture, our standard of living because
it means giving up your precious culture, well that’s fine by us
too. Fuck off to where your precious culture is the majority. And
accept the consequences.
The Times seems to agree with you. There's a two page spread
headlined "I was brought up a Muslim but I know that civilisation
depends on Christianity." Unfortunately it's behind a pay wall.
Another Dave
Indeed. I am Agnostic veering towards Atheism, but i absolutely feel
that the Christian morality set is all that stands between civilisation
and barbarism.
Me too.
Although I suspect the *onward Christian soldiers bit* had a commercial
Civilisation depends on a set of rules. Enforcement by way of
everlasting life promises or consignment to hell is a cost free
management tool.

I rather like Buddhism. Same basic promise but with visual results:-)
Post by The Natural Philosopher
And there has been an absolute attempt to utterly ridicule and destroy
it by the forces of the Left.
And by its new friend, Islam.
Both want to destroy everything so that something better (as they see
it) can be put in its place.
Of course, should that happen, their ideas about 'what is better' would
inevitably collide in further hatred bloodshed conflict and misery....
Tim Lamb
The Natural Philosopher
2023-11-18 11:55:14 UTC
Post by Tim Lamb
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by The Natural Philosopher
So stop hating us for refusing to get pulled into your shit when we
offered you a helping hand. If you don’t want our help, our
science,  our education, our culture, our standard of living because
it means  giving up your precious culture, well that’s fine by us
too. Fuck off  to where your precious culture is the majority. And
accept the  consequences.
 The Times seems to agree with you. There's a two page spread
headlined  "I was brought up a Muslim but I know that civilisation
depends on  Christianity." Unfortunately it's behind a pay wall.
 Another Dave
Indeed. I am Agnostic veering towards Atheism, but i absolutely feel
that the Christian morality set is all that stands between
civilisation and barbarism.
Me too.
 Although I suspect the *onward Christian soldiers bit* had a
commercial link.
Civilisation depends on a set of rules. Enforcement by way of
everlasting life promises or consignment to hell is a cost free
management tool.
I rather like Buddhism. Same basic promise but with visual results:-)
If examined intelligently, minus any hint of religion, the Buddhist
worldview has many striking parallels both with the metaphysics of Kant
and Schopenhauer, and quantum theory.

A matter of arriving at the same conclusions by radically different
paths from completely different places.
Future generations will wonder in bemused amazement that the early
twenty-first century’s developed world went into hysterical panic over a
globally average temperature increase of a few tenths of a degree, and,
on the basis of gross exaggerations of highly uncertain computer
projections combined into implausible chains of inference, proceeded to
contemplate a rollback of the industrial age.

Richard Lindzen
2023-11-18 11:37:33 UTC
Post by The Natural Philosopher
"I understand that majority of Jews and Christian hate us for being
Muslims and that’s not going to change no matter what.!
I was talking to an old Iranian friend a few days ago. About Boris's
comment about burkas looking like letter boxes. His said that they knew
burkas were wrong, and were trying to get rid of them, but when someone
attacked or belittled their culture they were forced to pick a side.

i.e. He was saying it was like the Aesop Fable, The North Wind and Sun.
2023-11-18 11:42:04 UTC
Post by Pancho
Post by The Natural Philosopher
"I understand that majority of Jews and Christian hate us for being
Muslims and that’s not going to change no matter what.!
I was talking to an old Iranian friend a few days ago. About Boris's
comment about burkas looking like letter boxes. His said that they knew
burkas were wrong, and were trying to get rid of them, but when someone
attacked or belittled their culture they were forced to pick a side.
i.e. He was saying it was like the Aesop Fable, The North Wind and Sun.
FWIW, he would never have used an Aesop Fable as he still hasn't
forgiven the Greeks for giving the Persians a few spankings, Alexander
the Great, Battle of Thermopylae etc.,
Max Demian
2023-11-18 12:23:47 UTC
Post by Pancho
Post by The Natural Philosopher
"I understand that majority of Jews and Christian hate us for being
Muslims and that’s not going to change no matter what.!
I was talking to an old Iranian friend a few days ago. About Boris's
comment about burkas looking like letter boxes. His said that they knew
burkas were wrong, and were trying to get rid of them, but when someone
attacked or belittled their culture they were forced to pick a side.
Are these face coverings because the women are too beautiful, or too ugly?
Max Demian
The Natural Philosopher
2023-11-18 12:29:35 UTC
Post by Max Demian
Post by Pancho
Post by The Natural Philosopher
"I understand that majority of Jews and Christian hate us for being
Muslims and that’s not going to change no matter what.!
I was talking to an old Iranian friend a few days ago. About Boris's
comment about burkas looking like letter boxes. His said that they
knew burkas were wrong, and were trying to get rid of them, but when
someone attacked or belittled their culture they were forced to pick a
Are these face coverings because the women are too beautiful, or too ugly?
Iranian women can be very beautiful. They (muslims) consider elbows are
erotic, too.
“Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.”

H.L. Mencken, A Mencken Chrestomathy
Max Demian
2023-11-18 17:19:48 UTC
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by Max Demian
Post by Pancho
Post by The Natural Philosopher
"I understand that majority of Jews and Christian hate us for being
Muslims and that’s not going to change no matter what.!
I was talking to an old Iranian friend a few days ago. About Boris's
comment about burkas looking like letter boxes. His said that they
knew burkas were wrong, and were trying to get rid of them, but when
someone attacked or belittled their culture they were forced to pick
a side.
Are these face coverings because the women are too beautiful, or too ugly?
Iranian women can be very beautiful. They (muslims) consider elbows are
erotic, too.
How about belly buttons?

(Many years ago there was a (British) couple who had trouble conceiving
due to misunderstanding the function of the navel.)
Max Demian
Bob Henson
2023-11-18 18:47:41 UTC
Post by Max Demian
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by Max Demian
Post by Pancho
Post by The Natural Philosopher
"I understand that majority of Jews and Christian hate us for being
Muslims and that’s not going to change no matter what.!
I was talking to an old Iranian friend a few days ago. About Boris's
comment about burkas looking like letter boxes. His said that they
knew burkas were wrong, and were trying to get rid of them, but when
someone attacked or belittled their culture they were forced to pick
a side.
Are these face coverings because the women are too beautiful, or too ugly?
Iranian women can be very beautiful. They (muslims) consider elbows are
erotic, too.
How about belly buttons?
(Many years ago there was a (British) couple who had trouble conceiving
due to misunderstanding the function of the navel.)
If God created man, how come Adam and Eve had belly buttons?
Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England

Cat - a partially domesticated animal who keeps you as a pet.
2023-11-18 19:26:36 UTC
On Sat, 18 Nov 2023 18:47:41 +0000
Post by Bob Henson
Post by Max Demian
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by Max Demian
Post by Pancho
Post by The Natural Philosopher
"I understand that majority of Jews and Christian hate us for
being Muslims and that’s not going to change no matter what.!
I was talking to an old Iranian friend a few days ago. About
Boris's comment about burkas looking like letter boxes. His said
that they knew burkas were wrong, and were trying to get rid of
them, but when someone attacked or belittled their culture they
were forced to pick a side.
Are these face coverings because the women are too beautiful, or too ugly?
Iranian women can be very beautiful. They (muslims) consider
elbows are erotic, too.
How about belly buttons?
(Many years ago there was a (British) couple who had trouble
conceiving due to misunderstanding the function of the navel.)
If God created man, how come Adam and Eve had belly buttons?
How do you know they did?
2023-11-18 19:30:41 UTC
Post by Joe
On Sat, 18 Nov 2023 18:47:41 +0000
Post by Bob Henson
Post by Max Demian
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by Max Demian
Post by Pancho
Post by The Natural Philosopher
"I understand that majority of Jews and Christian hate us for
being Muslims and that’s not going to change no matter what.!
I was talking to an old Iranian friend a few days ago. About
Boris's comment about burkas looking like letter boxes. His said
that they knew burkas were wrong, and were trying to get rid of
them, but when someone attacked or belittled their culture they
were forced to pick a side.
Are these face coverings because the women are too beautiful, or too ugly?
Iranian women can be very beautiful. They (muslims) consider
elbows are erotic, too.
How about belly buttons?
(Many years ago there was a (British) couple who had trouble
conceiving due to misunderstanding the function of the navel.)
If God created man, how come Adam and Eve had belly buttons?
How do you know they did?
They’re in all the paintings…

Please don't feed the trolls
Bob Henson
2023-11-19 08:43:59 UTC
Post by Tim+
Post by Joe
On Sat, 18 Nov 2023 18:47:41 +0000
Post by Bob Henson
Post by Max Demian
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by Max Demian
Post by Pancho
Post by The Natural Philosopher
"I understand that majority of Jews and Christian hate us for
being Muslims and that’s not going to change no matter what.!
I was talking to an old Iranian friend a few days ago. About
Boris's comment about burkas looking like letter boxes. His said
that they knew burkas were wrong, and were trying to get rid of
them, but when someone attacked or belittled their culture they
were forced to pick a side.
Are these face coverings because the women are too beautiful, or too ugly?
Iranian women can be very beautiful. They (muslims) consider
elbows are erotic, too.
How about belly buttons?
(Many years ago there was a (British) couple who had trouble
conceiving due to misunderstanding the function of the navel.)
If God created man, how come Adam and Eve had belly buttons?
How do you know they did?
They’re in all the paintings…
Just above the fig leaves.
Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England

Did you hear what happened at the Irish sheepdog trials? 35 were found
Max Demian
2023-11-19 12:51:58 UTC
Post by Tim+
Post by Joe
On Sat, 18 Nov 2023 18:47:41 +0000
Post by Bob Henson
Post by Max Demian
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Iranian women can be very beautiful. They (muslims) consider
elbows are erotic, too.
How about belly buttons?
(Many years ago there was a (British) couple who had trouble
conceiving due to misunderstanding the function of the navel.)
If God created man, how come Adam and Eve had belly buttons?
How do you know they did?
They’re in all the paintings…
Religious paintings are often inaccurate. They usually show the snake
*without* legs before the Fall.

And as for depictions of the crucifixion...
Max Demian
Bob Henson
2023-11-19 18:31:12 UTC
Post by Max Demian
Post by Tim+
Post by Joe
On Sat, 18 Nov 2023 18:47:41 +0000
Post by Bob Henson
Post by Max Demian
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Iranian women can be very beautiful. They (muslims) consider
elbows are erotic, too.
How about belly buttons?
(Many years ago there was a (British) couple who had trouble
conceiving due to misunderstanding the function of the navel.)
If God created man, how come Adam and Eve had belly buttons?
How do you know they did?
They’re in all the paintings…
Religious paintings are often inaccurate. They usually show the snake
*without* legs before the Fall.
Shirley Knott.
Post by Max Demian
And as for depictions of the crucifixion...
Makes you cross, innit.
Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England

The Flat Earth Society has members all over the globe.
2023-11-19 20:31:22 UTC
Post by Max Demian
Post by Tim+
Post by Joe
On Sat, 18 Nov 2023 18:47:41 +0000
Post by Bob Henson
Post by Max Demian
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Iranian women can be very beautiful. They (muslims) consider
elbows are erotic, too.
How about belly buttons?
(Many years ago there was a (British) couple who had trouble
conceiving due to misunderstanding the function of the navel.)
If God created man, how come Adam and Eve had belly buttons?
How do you know they did?
They’re in all the paintings…
Religious paintings are often inaccurate.
What?? You mean they aren’t gospel?

Please don't feed the trolls
2023-11-18 12:32:35 UTC
Post by Max Demian
Post by Pancho
Post by The Natural Philosopher
"I understand that majority of Jews and Christian hate us for being
Muslims and that’s not going to change no matter what.!
I was talking to an old Iranian friend a few days ago. About Boris's
comment about burkas looking like letter boxes. His said that they
knew burkas were wrong, and were trying to get rid of them, but when
someone attacked or belittled their culture they were forced to pick a
Are these face coverings because the women are too beautiful, or too ugly?
There is always one person who has to lower the tone of the debate,
isn't there, Max?

Obviously it is not significant, I'm sure all of us here are old enough
to remember the truism: You don't look at the mantelpiece while stoking
the fire.
Max Demian
2023-11-18 17:17:58 UTC
Post by Pancho
Post by Max Demian
Post by Pancho
Post by The Natural Philosopher
"I understand that majority of Jews and Christian hate us for being
Muslims and that’s not going to change no matter what.!
I was talking to an old Iranian friend a few days ago. About Boris's
comment about burkas looking like letter boxes. His said that they
knew burkas were wrong, and were trying to get rid of them, but when
someone attacked or belittled their culture they were forced to pick
a side.
Are these face coverings because the women are too beautiful, or too ugly?
There is always one person who has to lower the tone of the debate,
isn't there, Max?
Obviously it is not significant, I'm sure all of us here are old enough
to remember the truism: You don't look at the mantelpiece while stoking
the fire.
You're the one lowering the tone.
Max Demian
2023-11-19 07:46:41 UTC
Post by Max Demian
You're the one lowering the tone.
A joke!
2023-11-18 13:31:46 UTC
On Sat, 18 Nov 2023 12:23:47 +0000
Post by Max Demian
Post by Pancho
Post by The Natural Philosopher
"I understand that majority of Jews and Christian hate us for
being Muslims and that’s not going to change no matter what.!
I was talking to an old Iranian friend a few days ago. About
Boris's comment about burkas looking like letter boxes. His said
that they knew burkas were wrong, and were trying to get rid of
them, but when someone attacked or belittled their culture they
were forced to pick a side.
Are these face coverings because the women are too beautiful, or too ugly?
I've always thought they serve the same function as the robes of
concealment in John Norman's Gorean society, that of making it
uncertain that the rewards of kidnapping a woman are worth the
personal risks in doing so.

Arabs have always been fond of kidnapping and enslavement, I think
Persians were rather less so.
The Natural Philosopher
2023-11-18 15:01:13 UTC
Post by Joe
On Sat, 18 Nov 2023 12:23:47 +0000
Post by Max Demian
Post by Pancho
Post by The Natural Philosopher
"I understand that majority of Jews and Christian hate us for
being Muslims and that’s not going to change no matter what.!
I was talking to an old Iranian friend a few days ago. About
Boris's comment about burkas looking like letter boxes. His said
that they knew burkas were wrong, and were trying to get rid of
them, but when someone attacked or belittled their culture they
were forced to pick a side.
Are these face coverings because the women are too beautiful, or too ugly?
I've always thought they serve the same function as the robes of
concealment in John Norman's Gorean society, that of making it
uncertain that the rewards of kidnapping a woman are worth the
personal risks in doing so.
Arabs have always been fond of kidnapping and enslavement, I think
Persians were rather less so.
My Iranian GF back in the day said that Iranians hated Arabs, who were
the ones that brought Islam to the country.
It is the folly of too many to mistake the echo of a London coffee-house
for the voice of the kingdom.

Jonathan Swift
Nomen Nescio
2023-11-18 14:48:51 UTC
Post by Joe
On Sat, 18 Nov 2023 12:23:47 +0000
Post by Max Demian
Post by Pancho
Post by The Natural Philosopher
"I understand that majority of Jews and Christian hate us for
being Muslims and that’s not going to change no matter what.!
I was talking to an old Iranian friend a few days ago. About
Boris's comment about burkas looking like letter boxes. His said
that they knew burkas were wrong, and were trying to get rid of
them, but when someone attacked or belittled their culture they
were forced to pick a side.
Are these face coverings because the women are too beautiful, or too
I've always thought they serve the same function as the robes of
concealment in John Norman's Gorean society, that of making it
uncertain that the rewards of kidnapping a woman are worth the
personal risks in doing so.
Arabs have always been fond of kidnapping and enslavement, I think
Persians were rather less so.
Ask that of what happened to Africa??
surnames of the W Indians: pollard. gold, hill, stein, benjamin....
Then see ukraine and tel aviv: the kiddie fiddler centers of the planet
Cursitor Doom
2023-11-19 11:58:39 UTC
On Fri, 17 Nov 2023 11:07:20 +0000, The Natural Philosopher
<***@invalid.invalid> wrote:

Post by The Natural Philosopher
So stop hating us for refusing to get pulled into your shit when we
offered you a helping hand. If you don’t want our help, our science, our
education, our culture, our standard of living because it means giving
up your precious culture, well that’s fine by us too. Fuck off to where
your precious culture is the majority.
The Natural Philosopher
2023-11-19 13:25:48 UTC
Post by R Souls
On Fri, 17 Nov 2023 11:07:20 +0000, The Natural Philosopher
Post by The Natural Philosopher
So stop hating us for refusing to get pulled into your shit when we
offered you a helping hand. If you don’t want our help, our science, our
education, our culture, our standard of living because it means giving
up your precious culture, well that’s fine by us too. Fuck off to where
your precious culture is the majority.
I am not sure it even is, there... Pakistan mostly.

The problem I was trying to highlight is that regardless of the Purity
of the bleeding heart Liberal's motives, the actual result of trying to
run two diametrically opposed moral narratives is no different in
practice from running a road system where the choice of which side to
drive is optional.

The whole thrust of the UK has been (up till Bliar anyway), to separate
what is moral, from what is legal. We have completely lost that now, and
the law is asked to make moral judgements all the time and its a fucking

Hate speech? WTF is THAT. my school playground was FULL of it. "Your dad
fucks his pigs and your mum fucks anyone".

Is that now ILLEGAL?

Hasn't the law got better things to do?

If a girl walks alone down a Bradford street in a tight skirt she is not
legally a whore, and even if she was, she is still entitled to go about
her business unmolested. If your culture states she is absolutely a
whore and is definitely asking for it and it is in fact your duty to
give it to her, then there is a conflict between your culture and
British Law.

And I say that British law must prevail. Not for moral reasons, but for
reasons of sheer pragmatism.
“The fundamental cause of the trouble in the modern world today is that
the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt."

- Bertrand Russell
Nomen Nescio
2023-11-19 13:08:38 UTC
Post by R Souls
On Fri, 17 Nov 2023 11:07:20 +0000, The Natural Philosopher
Post by The Natural Philosopher
So stop hating us for refusing to get pulled into your shit when we
offered you a helping hand. If you don’t want our help, our science, our
education, our culture, our standard of living because it means giving
up your precious culture, well that’s fine by us too. Fuck off to where
your precious culture is the majority.
When your lot raped and murdered into the West circa 600 years ago.
Genocide took place by over running and renaming the West.
Forced ejection no matter how far related and then H bombing
all of e Europe.
Nomen Nescio
2023-11-19 14:49:20 UTC
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by R Souls
On Fri, 17 Nov 2023 11:07:20 +0000, The Natural Philosopher
Post by The Natural Philosopher
So stop hating us for refusing to get pulled into your shit when we
offered you a helping hand. If you don’t want our help, our science, our
education, our culture, our standard of living because it means giving
up your precious culture, well that’s fine by us too. Fuck off to where
your precious culture is the majority.
I am not sure it even is, there... Pakistan mostly.
The problem I was trying to highlight is that regardless of the Purity
of the bleeding heart Liberal's motives, the actual result of trying to
run two diametrically opposed moral narratives is no different in
practice from running a road system where the choice of which side to
drive is optional.
The whole thrust of the UK has been (up till Bliar anyway), to separate
what is moral, from what is legal. We have completely lost that now, and
the law is asked to make moral judgements all the time and its a fucking
bliar was a fanatic who serves khazars.
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Hate speech? WTF is THAT. my school playground was FULL of it. "Your dad
fucks his pigs and your mum fucks anyone".
Is that now ILLEGAL?
Hasn't the law got better things to do?
If a girl walks alone down a Bradford street in a tight skirt she is not
legally a whore, and even if she was, she is still entitled to go about
her business unmolested. If your culture states she is absolutely a
whore and is definitely asking for it and it is in fact your duty to
give it to her, then there is a conflict between your culture and
British Law.
Yes there is, it is called noahide law.
An eruv is wher it takes place.
Ever wondered why j saville was let go?
He serves this own people and starmar the ukrainian genocidal terrorist should be handed over with
his family to the outside world.
Same applies to h harman.
Post by The Natural Philosopher
And I say that British law must prevail. Not for moral reasons, but for
reasons of sheer pragmatism.
Sadly it does not as the White slave trade by your lot is still taking place,
see j epstein and greville janner as two of so many examples.
Nomen Nescio
2023-11-19 14:49:20 UTC
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Post by R Souls
On Fri, 17 Nov 2023 11:07:20 +0000, The Natural Philosopher
Post by The Natural Philosopher
So stop hating us for refusing to get pulled into your shit when we
offered you a helping hand. If you don’t want our help, our science, our
education, our culture, our standard of living because it means giving
up your precious culture, well that’s fine by us too. Fuck off to where
your precious culture is the majority.
I am not sure it even is, there... Pakistan mostly.
The problem I was trying to highlight is that regardless of the Purity
of the bleeding heart Liberal's motives, the actual result of trying to
run two diametrically opposed moral narratives is no different in
practice from running a road system where the choice of which side to
drive is optional.
The whole thrust of the UK has been (up till Bliar anyway), to separate
what is moral, from what is legal. We have completely lost that now, and
the law is asked to make moral judgements all the time and its a fucking
bliar was a fanatic who serves khazars.
Post by The Natural Philosopher
Hate speech? WTF is THAT. my school playground was FULL of it. "Your dad
fucks his pigs and your mum fucks anyone".
Is that now ILLEGAL?
Hasn't the law got better things to do?
If a girl walks alone down a Bradford street in a tight skirt she is not
legally a whore, and even if she was, she is still entitled to go about
her business unmolested. If your culture states she is absolutely a
whore and is definitely asking for it and it is in fact your duty to
give it to her, then there is a conflict between your culture and
British Law.
Yes ther is, it is called noahide law.
Post by The Natural Philosopher
And I say that British law must prevail. Not for moral reasons, but for
reasons of sheer pragmatism.
Sadly it does not as the White slave trade by your lot is still taking place,
see j epstein and greville janner as two of so many examples.
2023-11-19 21:57:55 UTC
On Fri, 17 Nov 2023 11:07:20 +0000
Post by The Natural Philosopher
"I understand that majority of Jews and Christian hate us for being
Muslims and that’s not going to change no matter what.!
You sound like a Jew. No one hates you, in fact no one gives a
tuppeny fuck about you until you come into our countries, carefully
built on a set of social expectations that work OK for us and allowed
us to develop a technological society that you seem to want to enjoy
the fruits of, without understanding that to keep it going requires
that you conform to a different set of cultural mores. And then your
stupid middle eastern PRIDE won’t let you accept that, so you try to
turn here into the same mediaeval shithole that you left because you
didn’t like it, and then you go on hate marches, bomb our buildings,
murder our soldiers and expect us to like you.
Take your fucking barbaric culture back to where it belongs. The West
is not for you until you learn to behave. No one hates you, at worst
they despise you, and at best they feel very very sorry for you,
which of course is, even more shameful for you, so you hate us for
feeling sorry for you and desperately want us to hate you back so you
can feel that we are no better than you.
Sorry chum, it’s not about race,or religion, it’s about culture. In
the west, in terms of how we have learnt to live, we simply are
better than you. We have had 500 years to get it right.
So fuck off to wherever it is that runs society like you want it to
be run, and come back in 500 years when you have learnt some fucking
manners. I can’t fix your insecurity and ego problems or your culture
shock. Despite everything the Left tells you, I am not your problem.
And I refuse to make your problems mine, either.
Plenty of highly educated people from Iran, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia,
etc in this country who respect the culture, are admired for their
intelligence and skills, and no one gives a shit what they believe
in. If you are are unable to be one, well tough shit baby. Life is
rough, tough and desperately unjust, in fact life’s a bitch, and then
you die. So get used to it. No almighty Allah is going to short
circuit the damned hard process of learning how to live in a society
that is not founded on Faith, but on science and technology. Praying
to your car three times a day wont fix it when it breaks.
Any damn fool can memorise the Q’ran and wave flags and go on
marches. Why not try memorising the whole pharmacopoeia and become a
pharmacist, or the whole body of case law, and become a lawyer? Or is
it so much easier to lie and cheat and whine and complain and throw
bombs and launch rockets and listen to people telling you how none of
it is your fault, its all them, oppressing you and hating you?
Let me give you one fucking HUGE life lesson. It doesn’t matter whose
fault it is. No one else can fix it for you. It is YOUR problem. Sure
you don’t deserve this shit. No one deserves this shit. Stop seeing
yourself as different, and understand we are ALL IN THE SHIT
TOGETHER. And that is why, in the end Christianity worked better for
us than Islam, because we worked very hard to help each other out of
the worst of the shit, and because we trusted each other and didn’t
lie to each other and didn’t regard the whole world of strangers as
enemies, even if they didn’t quite have our values, we were able to
build bigger societies that worked.
So stop hating us for refusing to get pulled into your shit when we
offered you a helping hand. If you don’t want our help, our science,
our education, our culture, our standard of living because it means
giving up your precious culture, well that’s fine by us too. Fuck off
to where your precious culture is the majority. And accept the
*Comment deleted 12h ago*
Do yo think that perhaps it was deleted because it looks like it was
written by a bigoted, simplistic, culture war clown?
Tim Streater
2023-11-19 22:09:03 UTC
Post by R Souls
On Fri, 17 Nov 2023 11:07:20 +0000
[snip analysis, something Our Steve apparently was unable to do]
Post by R Souls
Do yo think that perhaps it was deleted because it looks like it was
written by a bigoted, simplistic, culture war clown?
Oh certainly. TNP might have stated it in less direct language, but that
doesn't detract from the essential truth of the matter. I predict that when
some largish city has a majority muslim population, there will start to be
calls from within it to insist on Sharia Law for the city. A number of
hand-wringers will then bleat about respecting their culture but enough people
will probably say knickers to them. At which point civil war becomes a
distinct possibility.
"It is hard to imagine a more stupid decision or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong." -- Thomas Sowell
Jim Jackson
2023-11-20 14:18:18 UTC
Post by Tim Streater
Post by R Souls
On Fri, 17 Nov 2023 11:07:20 +0000
[snip analysis, something Our Steve apparently was unable to do]
Post by R Souls
Do yo think that perhaps it was deleted because it looks like it was
written by a bigoted, simplistic, culture war clown?
Oh certainly. TNP might have stated it in less direct language, but that
doesn't detract from the essential truth of the matter. I predict that when
some largish city has a majority muslim population, there will start to be
calls from within it to insist on Sharia Law for the city. A number of
hand-wringers will then bleat about respecting their culture but enough people
will probably say knickers to them. At which point civil war becomes a
distinct possibility.
More culture war nonsense.

Oh to get back to DIY!

The Natural Philosopher
2023-11-19 23:59:23 UTC
Post by R Souls
On Fri, 17 Nov 2023 11:07:20 +0000
Post by The Natural Philosopher
"I understand that majority of Jews and Christian hate us for being
Muslims and that’s not going to change no matter what.!
You sound like a Jew. No one hates you, in fact no one gives a
tuppeny fuck about you until you come into our countries, carefully
built on a set of social expectations that work OK for us and allowed
us to develop a technological society that you seem to want to enjoy
the fruits of, without understanding that to keep it going requires
that you conform to a different set of cultural mores. And then your
stupid middle eastern PRIDE won’t let you accept that, so you try to
turn here into the same mediaeval shithole that you left because you
didn’t like it, and then you go on hate marches, bomb our buildings,
murder our soldiers and expect us to like you.
Take your fucking barbaric culture back to where it belongs. The West
is not for you until you learn to behave. No one hates you, at worst
they despise you, and at best they feel very very sorry for you,
which of course is, even more shameful for you, so you hate us for
feeling sorry for you and desperately want us to hate you back so you
can feel that we are no better than you.
Sorry chum, it’s not about race,or religion, it’s about culture. In
the west, in terms of how we have learnt to live, we simply are
better than you. We have had 500 years to get it right.
So fuck off to wherever it is that runs society like you want it to
be run, and come back in 500 years when you have learnt some fucking
manners. I can’t fix your insecurity and ego problems or your culture
shock. Despite everything the Left tells you, I am not your problem.
And I refuse to make your problems mine, either.
Plenty of highly educated people from Iran, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia,
etc in this country who respect the culture, are admired for their
intelligence and skills, and no one gives a shit what they believe
in. If you are are unable to be one, well tough shit baby. Life is
rough, tough and desperately unjust, in fact life’s a bitch, and then
you die. So get used to it. No almighty Allah is going to short
circuit the damned hard process of learning how to live in a society
that is not founded on Faith, but on science and technology. Praying
to your car three times a day wont fix it when it breaks.
Any damn fool can memorise the Q’ran and wave flags and go on
marches. Why not try memorising the whole pharmacopoeia and become a
pharmacist, or the whole body of case law, and become a lawyer? Or is
it so much easier to lie and cheat and whine and complain and throw
bombs and launch rockets and listen to people telling you how none of
it is your fault, its all them, oppressing you and hating you?
Let me give you one fucking HUGE life lesson. It doesn’t matter whose
fault it is. No one else can fix it for you. It is YOUR problem. Sure
you don’t deserve this shit. No one deserves this shit. Stop seeing
yourself as different, and understand we are ALL IN THE SHIT
TOGETHER. And that is why, in the end Christianity worked better for
us than Islam, because we worked very hard to help each other out of
the worst of the shit, and because we trusted each other and didn’t
lie to each other and didn’t regard the whole world of strangers as
enemies, even if they didn’t quite have our values, we were able to
build bigger societies that worked.
So stop hating us for refusing to get pulled into your shit when we
offered you a helping hand. If you don’t want our help, our science,
our education, our culture, our standard of living because it means
giving up your precious culture, well that’s fine by us too. Fuck off
to where your precious culture is the majority. And accept the
*Comment deleted 12h ago*
Do yo think that perhaps it was deleted because it looks like it was
written by a bigoted, simplistic, culture war clown?
No, I think it was cancelled because the poster its was a response to
was a bigoted hatefilled islamic cunt.

"It is an established fact to 97% confidence limits that left wing
conspirators see right wing conspiracies everywhere"
Nomen Nescio
2023-11-20 10:08:05 UTC
Post by Tim Streater
Post by R Souls
On Fri, 17 Nov 2023 11:07:20 +0000
[snip analysis, something Our Steve apparently was unable to do]
Post by R Souls
Do yo think that perhaps it was deleted because it looks like it was
written by a bigoted, simplistic, culture war clown?
Oh certainly. TNP might have stated it in less direct language, but
Post by Tim Streater
doesn't detract from the essential truth of the matter. I predict that
Post by Tim Streater
some largish city has a majority muslim population, there will start
to be
Post by Tim Streater
calls from within it to insist on Sharia Law for the city. A number of
hand-wringers will then bleat about respecting their culture but
enough people
Post by Tim Streater
will probably say knickers to them. At which point civil war becomes a
distinct possibility.
What is happening in Gaza is noahide law, so what goes around will come
Your lot put up red strings in public places and call it an eruv.
Whahat little Christian British law that was in place is replaced
with mass murder, kiddie fiddling, hate speech, racism, preferntial
treatment basically.
Fact is your lot do not or ever have worked. Being a khazarian sponger
is why the West is failing.
To solve the problem is simple: forced deportation back home to e
Europe no matter
how far related of these illegal immigrants. This will be applied to
your goyim as well.
Then carpet H bombing it and all forced changes.